Table of Contents
Episode: 355
Airdate: Dec 02, 2007 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Of Aliens and Purple Goats
Simba's Tiger character
? name @ 2:15:00
- Woody
- Frazzy
- Frazzy626 (Subservient)
- Sophy
sp? @3:18:00 (Subservient)
- Jason
Show Highlights
- Ben Franklyn show bumper
- Almost everybody is hung over
- Mutt mentions that he forgot his phone at home…
- Poink's left eye is out
- The list of donators is scrolled by… and again… and again…
- Fun with transitions. Including “Manatee Eyes” a.k.a. jogging boobs…
- Can you guess the TV theme?
- JackRabbit brings an “escape your shape” box that he got himself at a white elephant type gift exchange the day before
- SecondLife: Yappy Fox tries to watch the show in SecondLife, plays Benny Hill to SL dancing session
name? @ 2:15:00 gets interviewed - complete with GotC and several Arnold impressions
- Frazzy and Sophy co-subservient
- Crappy Doo and Arthur appear together on stage!
- The Art Jams are a tad bit out of order…
- Mutt wonders where on the body a tattoo would hurt the most
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Drinking games / hangovers
- Caption: Eagle Beagle getting squeezed…1)
Videos shown
- Ben Franklyn show bumper
- “Escape your shape” (Benny Hill'd)
- “Boot to the head will” with anime style animation
source? @ 1:43:00
- “Brazil” - cut short due to technical difficulties
- Gigantic puppet performance
title? @ 1:49:00
- Music video: Animated cats
title @ 1:54:00
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Poink “So, I was thinking about getting a tattoo on my…”
Kuddlepup thinks the girl in the picture is Liesl… which gets him in trouble.
episodes/episode_355.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by