Table of Contents
Episode: 365
Airdate: Mar 02, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Catch You On The Flip Side
- Jouva
- Flipside (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Eagle Beagle's (near) last show
- Eagle Beagle's new Jeep is featured prominently, and his driving skills discussed.
- Yappy Fox looks through the channel and tries to find out where the viewers come from
- Paula Abdul and MC Skat Kat concert videos
- Yappy Fox mentions the suicide of
name @ 28:00 Lion in the UK
- Mutt tries to read the roll-call…
- Eagle Beagle eats a bag of instant coffee.
- JackRabbit eats a buillion cube with cheese whiz
- Flipside has an interesting idea of how to do a lap dance
- Herbie finishes the painting of TH Squirrel
- Yappy Fox tortures everybody, but JackRabbit in particular, with the most annoying 80s songs
- The end of the show creeps up on Yappy Fox who starts a sped up closing song with the words “Oh shit!”
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Eagle Beagle driving / Eagle Beagle road rage
- Caption: Polar bear and Husky
Videos shown
- “Cooties” video
- Music Video:
title @ 36:00
- Music Video: Opposits attract - live version
- Animal handler trying to present a rather uncooperative cat
- PSA: Don't smoke!
- Prison(?) dance act
- Flash mob… making of “window performance”
- Flash mob… “Cell phone”
- Fox Hunt video (with fursuits)
- “Be more open minded” (Skunk)
- Pawpet Music Video:
title/group @2:10:00
- Pawpet Music Video:
title @ 2:26:00 - Nonsanity
- Cedar (
name?) singing “Love and marriage” at the FWA variety show @ 2:48:00
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “BLOOOP!”
- Eagle Beagle “That got…”
- Poink “???”
episodes/episode_365.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by