Table of Contents
Episode: 372
Airdate: Apr 27, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Rick Rolled!
- Several anonymous puppets and a Pecker
- Pounce Bunny
sp? @ 14:00
- Jouva
- Recherei
Show Highlights
- Yap-TV closes with a Rick-Roll, and the show starts with one as well.
- A ton of snacks is dumped on the stage… aftermath of the 4-20 show?
- Audrey loses her hair and prompts a comparison to Sinead O'Connor
- There is some discussion going on about who would perform “the witch doctor”
- Pep makes a breif appearance
- “Bra Bus Husky” picture…
- Nostalgia music night… Lollypop and Mr. Sandman
- JackRabbit with his sunglasses sings “Only the lonely”
- Lilly Voop and Poink discuss ticks and country songs about them
- Yappy Fox plays “the witch doctor” and the chipmunks at half speed
- Bandit close up while playing with the rings
- A cup left backstage appears… and it's almost alive!
- Spits or swallows:
What? @ 2:52:00
- RickRoll #4: Rummage performs “never gonna give you up”
- RickRoll #5: Karaoke version… the cast sings… or rather tries.
- RickRoll #6: Closing song
Videos shown
- RickRoll #1 - Music Video: Never gonna give you up
- Music Video:
@ 5:30
- Nair commercial
- Bubblicious commercial
- Music Video: Lollypop
- Flipsiders commercial
- BucktownTiger -
song @ 58:00
- Relish Packet PSA? @ 1:02:00
- Hillary Clinton campaign commercial with weird puppets
- Cylon Bubble Machine commercial
- Catfish hotel
- RickRoll #2
- FPS Logo in 3D
- Russian claymation -
title @ 1:23:30
- Megaplex 7 memories - Wild'Bill'TX
- Cartoon All-Stars to the rescue (George Bush anti-drug video)
- Jesus Survives… in a presentation…
- Music Video: Timewarp
- Pawpet song performance
where? @ 3:07:00
- RickRoll #3
- Music Video: She wants to dance with me
- Star Trek fan video (excerpt)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Rickroll instead of regular ending song
- Hugh “Who's going out for Chalupas?”
- Lilly “…chilly dog”
episodes/episode_372.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by