Table of Contents
Episode: 374
Airdate: May 18, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Childhood memories
- Twizzler (Subservient)
- Kellog
Show Highlights
- JackRabbit thinks that Liesl should cut her toenails… but it's actually Bandit who's scratching his legs.
- Lilly Voop is so annoyed by airplane conversations about Disney, she's ready to say she works for an adult toy store instead
- Poink tells the story about his neighbor and how he (the neighbor) ended up in jail…
- …and how Rasvar calls to talk about a Buffalo-Pie.
- KuddlePup brings up strange drinks… and weird names for them
- Movie-Talk: upcoming movies and sequals (Indiana Jones 4, Hulk 2, …)
- “Who would you want to play your character in 'Pawpets: the movie'?”
- Poink gets creative with the lyrics to “when I'm on the run”
real title @2:03:00
- The cast discusses their first or “best” puking memory
- Playground fun… and not so fun stories
- An art-jam sent in by Caroline makes first mention of “The ass beating hour”1)
- Lilly Voop turns off the power to the show…
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets (Yappy Fox in prticular) in french maid outfits
- Alternative: worst experiences on airplanes
- Caption: MFF “out of order” elevator with tail stuck in it
Videos shown
- Weird 80s style version of the timewarp
real title/artist @ 1:02:00
- Carvel “Whale cake” commercials
Title @ 1:08:00 Fursuit dance video
- Werewolves of London
- Music video:
title? Tunak Tunak Tu? @ 1:46:00
- Aquarius
Ass beating hour
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- After the rap version of the closing song, the regular one is played.2)
episodes/episode_374.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by