Table of Contents
Episode: 385
Airdate: Aug 10, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Wierd tidbits
- Kyte (guest)
- North (Subservient)
- Sniffer (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- name?, the creator of Shaft died…
- Hugh Manatee brings out: Manatee Version 2.0!
- The cast wonders how songs would sound when sped up and if they would make good techno…
- Liesl tries NOT to hit any buttons with her toes
- Ezra plays a game with the cast and audience: guess the phobia
- A bubblegum flavored softdrink
- An interesting discussion about pasta variations
- We learn that Hugh Manatee is actually from Hugh-sten.
- Over all many left turns, lots of funny moments but none of which long enough to make it into the list
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Tiny Pawpet Adventures / Pawpets with kilts
- Caption: Kilted marching band meets “Marylin Monroe”
Videos shown
- I feel love (Sped up)
- Love to love you
- Peanut butter commercial
- Pink Panther and sons
- Yiddish with Dick and Jane
- Animated “Jerry Lewis”
- Fetal Scooby Doo
- title @1:32:30
- Burger King commercial
- “The Beatles”… announcement “in lively black and white”
- show title @ 1:48:00: Larry in a bear suit
- title @ 1:54:00: Horse, cowboy and indian “animation”
- Pac-Man in Super Mario
- Simon's cat
- Simon's cat: TV dinner
- Simon's cat: Let me in
- The Barkleys - Intro
- Uncle Croc's Block - Intro
- The Oddball Couple - Intro
- The Amazing 3 - Intro
- PSA: “bee dance video” - Bring our bees back
- Captain Kool and the Kong Intro sp? @ 3:32:00
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Yappy started the closing song a bit too early, so…
- Ezra “Show's not over yet!”
- Lilly “No, show's not over yet!”
- Hugh “and…here…we…go” (whispered)
- Ezra “You are so wierd!”
- Lilly “You are very strange, you know!”
- Kyte “It's like we're in a timewarp”
- Lilly “Yeah, right”
- Hugh “I can do this!”
- Lilly “You can watch what we do after the show… we just get up and say 'thank god that's over with'…”
- Ezra “Uh-ha”
- Poink “Wow, we look like a who? cover…”
- Lilly “…stretch out our creeky bones..”
- Ezra “We do.”
- Poink “Yeah”
- Yappy “That…”
- Logo gets superimposed over the stage
- Lilly “ ???”
- Poink “ ???”
- Ezra “We could!”
- Lilly “ ???”
- JackRabbit provides sound effects
- Lilly “ ??? …OH it's JR! … ??? … that's a very annoying sound actually.”
- Poink “Are we going in..”
- Lilly “We just do that next week… suck Jell-o through a straw”
- Poink “no-no-no!”
- Yappy “YES!”
- Lilly “…pudding through a straw?”
- Poink “I would like to see you suck Jouva through a straw”
- Yappy “He might slurple the same way”
- Lilly “Naw, it's OK really. ???”
- Poink “God, this isn't over yet?”
- Ezra “No”
- Yappy “We got a minute!”
- …etc…singing songs…etc…
- Yappy “Happy birthday if it's your birthday!”
- Ezra “Happy birthday to 2 tomorrow! It's 2's birthday tomorrow!”
- Kyte “This is your birth…”
episodes/episode_385.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by