Table of Contents
Episode: 389
Airdate: Sep 28, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]That Video Needed No Commentary
- Arctic (Subservient)
- KJ
- Artick
- Sniffer (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- The birthday party decoration from last week is still up
- Krystals and their burgers brings the topic to weird meat eating habits
- While searching through his upload folder, Yappy Fox discovers many a weird song… the “Benny Hill vs. Eminem” amongst them.
- Yappy cleans out the video folder by showing a block of videoes sent in by the viewers, consisting of Engineers talking about cats, 70s cartoon opening titles, a french video about a man having WAY too much caffine, breakdancing bees, foreign KFC commercials, and proof that Minute Maid Orange Juice turned Popeye and Bluto gay.
- The “Kinder” chocolate commercial scares Ezra into hanging himself
- We can see pictures of KJ and Rummage on their bikes.
- KuddlePup gets to try out his Quagga-Mix
- Spits or swallows “Teewurst” + “Chocolate milk”, later on “Mint sauce”
- Simba got some vegemite from Australia
- …and so four peckers are dancing on stage!
- A husky pull with Liesl at the reigns of Sniffer and Arctic ends with a belly-flop after about… umm… half an inch?
- …and at the second try they make it righ across the living room before the chair tips over again.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
Videos shown
title @ 48:00 (3D animation with Will Smith MIB song)
title @ 52:00 animated robot music video (cut short)
- “The Stoic Squirrel in the Big City”
- nitefite.com commercial
title @ 56:00 “Alice in Wonderland”-ish cartoon
- PES - Nuclear attack
- PSA - Honeybees
- “Technical Difficulties”
- Animated music video
title @ 1:04:00
- KFC commercials
- Smurf cereal commercial
- Smurfberry Crunch commercial
chocolate commercials (animated bunnies)
- W3 intro
- E-Z Beta from Sony - commercial
- Burger King “I'm not Herb” commercial
- Coffee animation (french song)
title @ 1:17:30
- “Kinder” chocolate eggs commercial
- Bullwinkle puppet
- The Barkleys - Intro
Title @1:27:00 Cartoon intro
- Gay Popeye and Pluto - commercial
Title @1:29:00 intro
- B/W movie “documentary” (cut short)
- ???
- Igor/Frankenstein commercial for label guides
- “Network” movie trailer
- Wonder Woman, Hulk, Flying High trailers
- Ghostbusters - animated series intro
- The Simpsons sing the “Family Guy” intro
- “An engineers guide to cats”
- Fainting Goats
- Music Video:
title @ 2:25:00
- Star Wars + Golf
- Star Trek + Timewarp
- Highly Illogical
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “See you next week, Frazzy!”
- Puddin' “Bye!”
- Hugh “Beh…”1)
cut off
episodes/episode_389.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by