Table of Contents
Episode: 396
Airdate: Nov 16, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]2008 Telethon
Telethon results
- 689.00
- 718.00
- 1041.00
- 1093.00
- 1603.00
- 1607.00
- 1637.00
- 1753.00
- 2001.00
- 2169.00
- 2266.00
- 2366.00
- 2803.00
- 2841.00
- 2960.00
- 3191.00
- 3224.00
- 3399.00
- 3545.00
- 3651.00
- 3765.00
- 3768.00
- 3942.00
- 4040.00
- 4194.00
- 4252.00
- 4410.00
- 4870.00
- 5048.00
- 5142.00
As of January 1st, 2009 5603.10 USD, 70.00 GBP and 5.00 EUR were raised.
Telethon sales
- Brian Reynolds art auction - 150,00 - AustinWolfCat
- Chilly Mouse art auction - 150,00 - London
- Garrison Skunk sells of the “Top Quote of the night” -
- Dance with Sinatra - 100,00 - ???
- Inky puppet - 150,00 - ???
- Kipper drawing - 150,00 (180,00) - MaxArcade
- Henrieke art auction - 85,00 - Jägerstein (
- Onai
sp? life art auction - 87,00 - Recherei
- Dedicated PoinkCast - 85,00 - TheLizardRat
- BuckTown Tiger, song choice - 70,00 - Tensun
- Brian Reynolds art auction #2 - 131,00 - ???
- Cessna (Subservient)
- Spunky (Subservient)
- ShyWolfy
- Onai
sp? @ 2:14:00
- Cessna
Show Highlights
- Last show to use “Soul Bossa Nova” as opening theme song
- The audio quality on the stream is increased
- Movie Talk: Wall-e, Bolt
- We learn that Carrot played an important role in the movie “Bolt”
- The cast “sings” the “Star Trek” theme… to the picture of the new Enterprise
- Hugh Manatee is supposed to get beebled every 250 USD…
- Liesl beebles Hugh Manatee as he tries to sing the national anthem
- ShyWolfy, Onai and Cessna get interviewed
- Bandit is acting cute… belly up, playing with a tennis ball
- Fart alert!
- KuddlePup mis-announces that Henrieke is from Austria…
- Poink is trying to handle the in-channel auctions and is getting run over occasionally
- Java gets beebled instead of Hugh Manatee becuase the latter is busy
- After the donations reach 5000 USD, “We will rock you” is played.
Art Jam Topic and Caption Picture Description
- Pawpets in space!
Videos shown
- What if Star Trak was made by Rednecks
- Hallucci
title @ 1:46:00 - horror film description
title @ 1:49:00
- Pawpet Music Viceo: Animaiacs' World Song - PA Pets
- “I like farts” mash up with Anime
- Japanese McDonalds commercial
"Last Action"
- Poink, Ezra and YingYang beeble Hugh
episodes/episode_396.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by