Table of Contents
Episode: 405
Airdate: Feb 01, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]European Invasion
- Crappy Doo (Guest appearance during song segment)
- Audrey (Guest appearance during song segment)
- Blueberry (Guest appearance during song segment)
- RB (Subservient)
- Steve Fawks (Subservient)
- Splash (Subservient)
- Tyler Thylacine (Subservient)
- Karpour
- Henrieke
- DukeFawks
Show Highlights
- The music video “Oops, I did it again” leads to the famous “I like the mens” quote from Liesl, as illustrated by Brian Reynolds here)
- F-ing an Animal video with Benny Hill music
- Yappy Fox refers to Alaska as “outside of the US” and Lilly Voop gets pissed!
- Lilly Voo tells us how much she cares about the superbowl… and owes a dollar
- Yappy Fox tries to order some pizza and pasta… on superbowl weekend.
- The cast discusses various school lunch options…
- Splash does a Rick-roll during subservience
- Yappy gives the audience some feedback
- Blueberry does Mrs. Miller (and presumely strains her vocal cords)
- Inside out pawpets (Blueberry, Hugh Manatee)
- Introduction of the word marflebark.
- Henrieke gets interviewed
- Karpour gets interviewed (with only five minutes to go)
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets in Hell
- Pawpets at halftime
- Pawpets chasing ice cream trucks
Videos shown
- Music Video:
title? @ 5:00
- Music Video: Britney Spears - Oops, I did it again
- F-ing an Animal (partly set to Benny Hill)
- Kangaroo “Intel Centrino” commercial
- Kangaroos swimming
- Magic Mushroom - air freshener commercial
- Chuck E Cheese -
language? @ 1:56:00
- Kangaroo family with Air Wick air fresheners
- Ben's joke of the week by Michael
- Gilligan's island vs. Lost trailer
puppet/RL movie… Title? @ 2:02:00
- News anchor blooper
- “Beer is good” song
- Wig Wag demonstration…
- Music Video: Three little pigs - Green Jelly
- Cute fox animation dancing to Madonna's “Music”
- got milk? commercial with a slight vore-touch…
- a cute fox drinking from the toilet
title? @ 2:27:00
- WASP - I wanna be somebody
- Ghali dances at FC
TODO: Verfiy these titles?
- Japanese Tanuki Transformation commercial
- “AMV” of Skunk Fu
Ass beating hour
- Yappy Fox - for adding milk to his pudding at school
- Jackrabbit - for writing a note with the word “hello”
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Steve Fawks and DukeFawks start the “goodnight” song
- Ezra “I'm not eating this pizza. Anybody…” (cut off, download cuts off a bit earlier)
episodes/episode_405.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by