Table of Contents
Episode: 409
Airdate: Mar 01, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Off key, tone and beat
- Jeremy
Show Highlights
- Liesl is perky.
- Hugh Manatee beep beep's Lilly, coining the term “Boobling”.
- Ezra shows off one of his “want to have” cars.
- Pawpets discuss rides… cars and bikes.
- Yappy Fox plays the first few lines of “jizz in my pants”.
- The return of the Annual Arthur Awards is announced.
- Audrey gets manhandled - which brings up memories of “Aliens” for some reason…
- Ezra hangs himself during a MIDI file session (files played include “Puff the magic dragon”, “Cocaine”, “Electrical light parade”).
- Marflebark is uttered again.
- Lilly Voop sings “Close to You” by The Carpenters.
- A series of songs gets done in Karaoke:
2) “Sail away”, several Frank Sinatra songs
- “Ask Java” with Java… Which inlcudes “inside out Java”
- Yappy Fox and Jeremy discuss bikes…
- While reading the spam, Yappy Fox actually follows one of the links and finds his Mac “infected” with “windows viruses”…`
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- “Yappy and the tonedeafs”
Videos shown
- “Instant Sex” commercial
- Lifesaver commercials
- Tootsie roll ice cream bar commercial
- Libby Land TV dinners commercial
Libbies? commercials @ 2:04:30
“Magic spoon land?” commercial @ 2:06:00
- Anti-smoking commercial by Peter Max
- Stir-n-serv commercial
- The Monkees promo
- 7-up Pacman commercial
- Failblog - Glass door exit
- Jamie and the Magic Torch intro
- Ding Dongs commercial
- “All in the Family” starts later…
- “Billy Jean” done by Steve Martin
- The NEW show intro
- A music video of the song “The Silverton”, made up of scenes from “Polar Express”
- Animation “The Missing Lynx” to Yuri Mendez tune
- Rowlf sings “The cat came back”
- “Can't touch me” from Family Guy to scenes from The Lion King
Ask Java
- Best thing to go with peanut butter: Jelly
- What is the meaning of live: Keep hoppin happy - 42
- Have you licked yourself and seen Jesus: I saw Jesus' eyes
- What happens when you turn yourself inside out: I become different looking
- Do you like to chew asprin: No, who does that?
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Cow “Bye!”
- Hugh “Honk a Boob!”
episodes/episode_409.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by