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Table of Contents
Ezra, Mutt and Mormons too
JackRabbit (and hence Poink and Hugh Manatee) is missing from the show because his house got robbed the same day.
The show had a bad start as the ISP that Simba runs his server on had a major outage. The show started on the backup IRC (anthrochat, #pawpet) and switched back 27 minutes prior to show start.
- Monkey
name @ 1:55:00
- Mormons
Show Highlights
- Mutt has a quick trip (about 5 seconds) to ride some coasters
- Mutt describes how he's the only one who can mess up a Mac
- The cast discusses movie reviews for “UP”
- Mutt wonders what the “Pink Panther” movie was all about… having the panther only in the intro.
- Dookie sings…
- Scream Guy drinks coffee from the proper copper coffee pot - and manages to kill KuddlePup's laptop in the process.
- Scream Guy tries out “reusable toilet paper” (formerly known as the hair of Bertha)
- Kuddlepup tries to tele-market the reusable toilet paper. But he “…feels like Eagle Beagle..” as he can't look over the stage.
- Mutt paints a smile on a gas mask
- Mormons or Jehova's Witnesses at the door? Let's interview them!
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- no official art-jam topic was announced… the channel produced serveral ideas abound JackRabbit getting robbed.
Videos shown
- Pawpet News Episode 4 - Atkelar
- Cookie starts with “C” - to “cats” video (Gong'd)
- Eye of the Skunk
- The Fox and the Baby
- Fuji at Funspot
- Merlin the dog
- Old “Newspaper on computer” report (1991)
- The Gary Gnu Show episode
- Music Video: House of the rising sun - Animals
- Beach Boys - ?
- Music Video: Coming Up - Paul McCartney
- Coaster simulator + Mutt in bluescreen
- “Keep your eye on the ball”
- Two puppets stealing
- Two puppets ordering dinner
- Bic Banana commercial
- Pole Position commercial
- Music Video with Felix the Cat cartoon
- CG-doggy dancing to Tom Jones “What's new pussycat?” (www.ChrisMagovern.com)
- Music Video: Sex with ducks
- “The sound of music” dance routine, set up as a flash mob
- Computer virus news report - historic from the 80s
- Computer forecast - historic from 1969
- “in the news” - Ketchup
- Skunks raiding a fridge
- WIP: “Mika - Lollypop” animated video
- Space Cats intro
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Two weeks, baby, two weeks!”
episodes/episode_419.1383325433.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/11/01 10:03 by Atkelar