Table of Contents
Episode: 427
Airdate: Aug 23, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Golden Corral Anybody?
- Earl the Eyeball (Debut, 3D animation)
Show Highlights
- The new puppeteer - Blitz gets introduced
- Food discussion
- Rule 34 on Stay Puft!
- Interactive Eye (named “Earl”) on drugs.
- Pawpets bring up a new character: Subservient eyeball Earl and JackRabbit improvises a puppet…
- iPhone alarm tunes are played on air
- Hugh Manatee tells us about some practical jokes he had to endure.
- Rasvar calls in and tells about his practical jokes
- Skippy makes it clear that he is metrosexual
- Skippy does… errr… reads the channel
- Gay (porn) movie titles… including many an “ork” worthy word.
- Near the end it is decided that the appropriate name for a horse would be Brokeback, as well as Broken Seal for Blitz's seal puppet.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- “Eating out” (As Poink immediately put it: “IN A CLEAN WAY!”)
- Poink's Grandmother
- Subservient Earl
Videos shown
- Mutt visits a roller coaster (
name? @ 58:30)
- Beakmans World clip
- Mr. Wizard
- Ezra visits Vienna
- Mole and Bunny-Bunny…
Title @ 3:00:00 - the German credits at the end identify it as a production by a studio in Praha, done for the German state TV “WDR” in 1997
- HBO - Feature Presentation intro
- Japanese boobies commercial… with chocolate
- The Green Giant - commercial
- Tang commercial: moon people
- Coca Cola/New Coke Chicago Bears commercial
- Roadrunner cartoon: Coyote finally catches the Roadrunner… well… sorta…
Nutshot of the week
- Rope slide
- Lighter fluid
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Jackrabbit holds up Earl
episodes/episode_427.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by