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Table of Contents
New years show 2010
- Juno (Subservient)
- Huskers (Subservient)
- Dalok
Show Highlights
- The stage is still somewhat decorated from Christmas last week.
- Yappy Fox discusses his experiences with an LGB train in the hotel lobby
- Mutt arrives in a cloud of Axe
- Bandit toy of the week: Rope
- Poink sees his shoes walk off…
- Bandit figures out how to stop an RC car - he does the “nose-roll”
- Ezra tells the tale of the “Wildwolf shoe mystery”
- Ezra tells us of the ten brands that went away during 2009
- Movie talk: Pirates IV, Cars II, Toy Story III, Transformers II,… There's a pattern there.
- “Spits or Swallows” like segment with NASA space food
- Hugh Manatee is looking for his flipper slippers
- Hugh Manatee has a new idea for Megaplex: “Will it poop?”
- Great moments of PawPet history - not surprisingly, the worst farts of PawPet history are major part of it
- Roll call is read while “Technical Difficulties” music/picture is shown
- During Dalock's interview, it is revealed that if you are 26 this year, you will be 27 next year and were 24 last year…
- Huskers and Juno get interviewed
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Poink suggests KP riding bitch on a harley
Videos shown
- “Africa”
- Ice “fishing”
- Kung Fu Bunny - Counterattack
- Music Video: Little Mouse
title? @52:52
- Several fursuiters destryoing a laptop - Music getting ork'd
- You got Served by ~V~
- Dog freezing to hydrant (same as last week)
- Milk, milk, lemonade (frozen windshield animation)
- Is it a good idea to microwave this - Polaroid camera
- Snowed In with ~V~ and Oreo
- Oreo (the cookie this time!) eating…
- Top 10 party science tricks
- Santa interrogation
- Llamas with hats 2
Title @ 1:16:00 Pawpet + Guy with a guitar
- Is it a good idea to microwave this - Rubber ducks
musical number @ 1:24:30
- Kitties on the web
- Manatee song (Gong'd)
- Surprise Kitty (looping)
- Teflon-Hamster
- Teflon-Hamster - slow-motion to “Chariots of Fire”
- Acid Flashback: Poink farts!
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Don't drink and drive”
- Poink “And stay tuned for TheSonicGod”
episodes/episode_442.1383175924.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/30 16:32 by Atkelar