Table of Contents
Episode: 444
Airdate: Jan 10, 2010 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Quadruple Fun!
Peak Channel Counter: 231
- Delphanaeous
- Scooter Squirrel (Subservient)
- Athenisis (Subservient)
- Oswin Otter (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- The cast discusses the cold in Florida… water was freezing! Disney lost some A/C units… Manatees are dying.
- Ezra tries to translate Shakespear into modern English.
- Mutt cooks up some coffee… half the water, twice the coffee (or so)
- Ezra reads a rap-song all intelligent.
- Mr. Clean dances to rap…
- Mutt tries to find out the broadcast delay and is asking for everyone to hit “1” in channel at the countdown… but everybody hits one when he's only at three…
- Mutt is doing Portal!
- Delphanaeous does the roll call and Yappy Fox plays the closing music… one and a half hours early.
- Delphanaeous, Scooter Squirrel, Athenisis and Oswin Otter get interviewed… at once!
- The four person interview went a bit slow… Mutt comments “This isn't 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.' The questions aren't that hard!”
- Eurofurence price changes are discussed.
- Ezra plays with a pogo stick.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Yappy as Paul Blart
- Pawpets as comic book characters
- Ezra doing Shakespeare/rap
Videos shown
- Happy the hedgehog - Trailer
- ??? Walmart commercial
title @ 59:30
- “Do it yourself” - diy network teaser
- Christmas tree rocket
- “Condom Hack Pack”
- Let there be horns
- “Dating video”
title @ 1:20:00
- Parkour video “AZO 2009”?
title @ 1:23:00
- Instant hot ice
- Music video:
Song @ 1:26:00
- Sesame Street: “I won't stand inside…”
- Tanuki commercial
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “I was the one who farted”
- Hugh “Put some pants on that hog!”
episodes/episode_444.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by