Table of Contents
Episode: 448
Airdate: Feb 14, 2010 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Valentines Episode 2010
The intro starts with fail… first there is no audio, then the old intro starts. It's Bandit's Birthday!
- Karpour
- Henrieke
- Chorca
- Ciro (Subservient)
- Kiki (Subservient)
- Tyler (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Mutt nomms on a giant cookie (and whacks Ezra with it) and announces that this is the valentine show 2006… but the new stage sign gives them away.
- Yappy Fox was experimenting with 3D transmission… puts up two imeges side by side and tells viewers to “if you cross your eyes, we're in 3D!”
- Music bit: “Everybody Wang-Chung Tonight”
- Blitz goes “hisss” every time “Valentines Day” is mentioned…
- Bandit is chasing his new toy - “weasel ball”. It takes him about 30 seconds until he starts to dismantle it…
- Mutt comments on some videos from the local ren fair
- Mutt tries to get rid of a nasty taste in his mouth by licking his own butt
- Movie review: Wolfman
- Todd's Furry News
- Mutt proves that he doesn't have a brain by letting stage hand hit him on the head… leaving a dent.
- The shout-outs take looooots of time and run into the end credits which are sped up…
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Bandit's Birthday
Videos shown
- All you need is love from Yellow Submarine
- Darcell Stevens
- Discovery song - XKCD - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQAk_T9SBbw
- The Muppets: Beaker's Ballad - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAtBki0PsC0
- “Atari Robot Demo” animation/music video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO7FwV1dVnI
- “Otto - der Liebesfilm” - “Bear Coffee Cream” commercial spoof
- Crazy Critters commercial
- Foxy Bingo commercial
- Choir meowing…
title @ 54:00
- The Chinchilla loves the guitar
- The google toilet - “Supernews”
- Animated Bunnies Video
- Knut childrens' song
- Some videos from the ren fair
- Music Video: “I got a feeling”
- Music Video: Let's get it started
- Music Video: My Humps
- Return of the Hustle
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra sings to the end credits: “Its out, we're off the air…” and jumps behind the stage…
episodes/episode_448.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by