Table of Contents
Episode: 454
Airdate: Apr 04, 2010 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Easter 2010
- Gray Wolf
- Leon
- Cock of justice (Subservient)
- JR (Subservient Easter Bunny)
Show Highlights
- Hugh Manatee starts with bunny ears and puts them on upside down creating “sagging boobs”…
- Different types of toilet are discussed at one of the iPad's first app: flushing toilet…
- Kosher Cola… 'nuff said.
- Scream Guy is wearing his usual bunny ears/teeth…
- Kuddlepup's mom calls in and whishes everybody a happy easter.
- Zeke shows off his Batman undies…
- …weird underwear is subsequently discussed.
- Yappy Fox shows the latest unauthorized use of his character: “Transport Fuchs”
- The subject changes back to Poopoo…
- Uncle Kage calls in.
- KuddlePup brings up the “Dead or Alive” game: Is the named person dead or alive?
- KuddlePup gets ice in his pants (again)
- Easter Bunny and Cock of Justice fight, resulting in a choked chicken
- JackRabbit brings up “Garfield minus Garfield”
- The closing song is started with the original video again
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Bunny Death
Videos shown
- Tro-lo-lo - stoned version?
title @ 8:30
- Healing show
- “Dog win” failblog
- Kitty… :o
- Music Video: Strange animated music video…
title @ 2:21:30 (cut short)
- 8bit Trip
- News report1)
- Bunny Death: Gun with silencer
- Think Geek: My first bacon
- Jcces44: Highlights of show 3.14something
- Bunny Death: Snowball: Kitchen heart attack recipe2)
- Bunny Death: Atkelar
- FWA 7 2010
- Bunny Death: Modified Harddisk
- Cat “singing” Tro-lolo
- Fursuit hacking hotel viewscreen
- Think Geek: Dharma Initiative Alarm Clock
- Dog barking at a turtle, turtles fighting
- Still alive - sung by childrens choir3)
- Music Video: Animation (Wolf/Sheep)
title @ 2:46:30
- Bunny Death: Attack of the vamp bunnies
- Bunny Death: Breaking in half
- Trailer: Legend of the Guardians
- The Fox Chef: Chocolate Bunny
- Bunny Death: Redski - Car
- Bunny Death: iSkysoft?
title/contributor @ 2:57:50
clip from what show @ 3:02:00
- Bunny Death with bad audio (first part of Space Shuttle)
- Bunny Death: Tennis, Golf, Lawnmower
- Strange Japanese video with a man in a plastic bubble
- SciFi channel - blowing up the dog
- Bunny Death: TSG/Chilly/Klavi
- Bunny Death: Space Shuttle
Nut shot of the week
- TSG gets hit by a chocolate bunny during his Bunny Death video
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- everybody on stage <scream>
episodes/episode_454.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by