Table of Contents
Episode: 460
Airdate: May 23, 2010 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]CUT! We'll edit!
- Wolf
name @ 2:15:00
- Mini LaserWolf
- LaserWolf (Subservient)
- Twinky
Show Highlights
- The show starts and the subject goes to poo within the first minutes…
- Blitz realizes that the Hulk has muscles
- The cast asks Yappy Fox to put money in the swear jar
- Mutt has trouble spelling s-i-t-h… no wait…
- Mutt suggests “rent a kid” for childless persons/couples so they can have ass beating pleasures too…
- Rocky Raccoon sings some songs…
- The show “restarts” about 1:38:00 minutes in… because the cast was looking up stuff on urbandictionary.com
- The last episode of Lost is airing during this episode of FPS
- Kogenta calls in and plays Win nothing and like it
- Poink makes a joke request during subservience and is surprised that LaserWolf actually fulfills it
- “Ask Twinky”
- Laserwolf announces his furry themed musical
- Ezra has a little PSA about an “identity information provider” website.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Babypawpets, ScoobyDoo
Videos shown
- “Worlds coolest room” - http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1936044
- Capt. Picard dancing and singing an “Alphabet song” - http://youtube.com/watch?v=OjNKyoRudOQ
- Guy snatching drive through order - http://youtube.com/watch?v=eUijTB95lDU (same video, different audio with watermark)
- Nissan commercial with bouncy-boobs - http://youtube.com/watch?v=simzNdlt_G4
- Oscar Mayer Wiener commercial - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EY52EXgPAbM
- Toy Story III - Sunnyside Daycare walk through
- Lot's-o-huggin' bear video (Circa 1983) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6dZtNYGlLM
- Copying is not theft (repeat)
- Car Fax (car fox) commercial
- PacMan in RL
- Chat Roulette
- Library Ghost “Ghostbusters”
- Chat Roulette
- Fursuit Bowling
- Cat going blblblblblbl1)
- Shake Weight for men commercial
- Ne + H???
title @ 3:13:00 Animation (sped up)
- Chat Roulette parody with fursuits (Vin and Squeaky) - vote on the fursuit turney
- “Turbo Mover” spoof commercial
- People making music on a bus - busdriver's birthday
- Baby sloth
- 2 and Jibba - recycled heat commercial
- PacMan commercial
- Food about you… stop motion cooking
- Big Sad Wolf video
- Lumberjack + Bear
- Trailer: Rio
- Frucosiadas: On The Wheel Together
Ass beating hour
- Poink goes off on a bike and his granny gets off beating him for it (with some help from his uncle…)
Nutshot of the week
- Guy jumping off a railing
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Hugh Manatee “Moo”
- Blitz “Jinkies!” (Spelling?)
with support from Hugh Manatee
episodes/episode_460.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by