Table of Contents
Episode: 469
Airdate: Aug 15, 2010 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Star Wars + flash backs
Stream dies about 75 minutes into the show… RTSP stream doesn't return.
- Toad
- Gator
- Shake Weight
- Crusty Voop
- Lizard
Show Highlights
- Blitz went to see a “video game movie” (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World) and he liked it
- Star Wars con… Rasvar shows off his “Adult 4 days” badge…
- GOF tells us what he thinks of Star Wars… but with his breathing mask on, nobody could understand a word
- Mutt wonders if there's a pawpet fandom…
- Due to Carrie Fisher being at the Star Wars con, a lot of talk about drugs and recycling drugs starts…
- Poink tells a story about Buffalo Wing hot souce and pasta…
- Blitz starts a talk about toilet paper… which brings up Seal of disapproval.
- The cast performs to “Physical”
- Rasvar reads the roll call with three lettered nicks only.
- Mutt tells about a co-worker losing half of his intestines.
- The cast discusses whether the shakeweight is a boy or a girl
- Blitz' moment: “What's ICQ?”
- Acid Flashback: 2002 - Episode 124: The FIRST Pink Flamingo Challange AND Panda-Boobs!
- Acid Flashback: 2000 - Episode 37: Star Treckin'
- Acid Flashback: 2001 - Episode 97: Tuninator / Pod race
- Somehow Jar Jar Binks is the source of much laughter… 1 man, 1 Jar Jar…
- The cast dances to “Disco Lucy”
- Rasvar gets interviewed - over the closing credits…
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption Picture: Rasvar sitting at the holo-game table of the Millenium Falcon with R2-D2
- Art-Jam topic was not officially announced, but Star Wars did present itself…
Videos shown
- Bike race
- Break Dancer
- Wire drum going down the stairs
- Top 10 Mallakhamb players
- Star Wars(Electone)スターウォーズ(ファンファーレ付き)エレクトーン,maru氏 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16oaGSltUPE
- Megaman(Rockman),FF(Chocobo),Jurassic Park,Electoneおっくせんまんエレクトーン - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68SVqpykpo0
- Pirates of the Caribbean(Electone)パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン エレクトーン演奏 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DshfffItK0k
- ドラゴンクエストVIII(ドラクエ8)「雄叫びをあげて」エレクトーンElectone - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A4uPsbX2lI
- some clips from the Star Wars con
- Feral! in 90 seconds
- ??
@ 1:09:00 ?
- Music video: Seal pawpet
song title @ 1:09:45
- OH-Pawpets: Jewish Fox turned christian
- Quad suit showcase
title @ 1:13:00
- Washer + Brick
- Star Wars con video
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Blitz “Whoooo!” (throwing Brunhilda across the screen)
episodes/episode_469.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by