Table of Contents
Episode: 481
Airdate: Nov 07, 2010 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Rule 34!
Show Highlights
- Toilet talk about 20 minutes into the show…
- Yappy Fox tells about a toilet adventure
- What do you do on the toilet?
- Yappy Fox searches “Rule 34” in google images…
- Brunhilda visits his family and his brother lost hist “girlfriend” in an accident… apparently the entire family doesn't know what a girl is
- Kuddlepup tells us how he vaccumed off the keys of his laptop
- Pawpets answer trivia questions
- Chuckles looks around in SecondLife
- The cast discusses how small the set is compared to what it looks like on the stream…
- Simon plays a round of Simon says…
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets Rule 34
Videos shown
- Folkmanis bumper
- Jason Marsden bumpers
- Tijuana Taxi
- Disney dance performance at Magic Kingdom
- Disney dance performance + Tijuana Taxi
- Disney dance performance + Apache
- Scary Mary Poppins trailer
- Daft Punk - (
title) Music from TRON1)
- Omadaun 1
- Omadaun 2
- Bud light commercial
- “Police chace” winter service commercial
- Halloween costume: Censor bar
- Raccoon pawpet playing “rock band”
: song title
- “Evil Toons” trailer
- ?? commercial
- Candid camera: port-a-potty + meeting
- VW beetle “nomming”
- Chihuahua - hyper…
- Home made Marshmellows
- LED-matrix with Electrical Light Parade
- The Raccoons…?
- How to draw… “the 'chest region'”
- ??? trailer
- Operation Brain Surgery
- Dude of Hazards
- Pooping cow keychain
- Barbie and Tanner(?) - product review
- Smash up derby set - commercial
- VW beetle commercial
- Pawpet video: “Cat in a kettle”
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “BARK” (Jumping off the stage)
cut short for commercial video
episodes/episode_481.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by