Table of Contents
Episode: 493
Airdate: Feb 06, 2011 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The return of the Shak!
- Snapai
- Chilly (Subservient as Paradox Chilly and Anita)
- Brian Reynolds
Show Highlights
- Shak is acting as temp-manatee
- Yappy Fox plays a “Hair Salon” flash game after looking up perry platypus…
- …followed by a Sonic flash game…
- …followed by a very poorly done “police chase” driving game.
- Yappy Fox presents his “mobile me” - showing that Apple discovered file sharing networks just barely 20 years after everybody else.
- Shak does the roll call…
- Subservient TinyChat
- Terry gets interviewed… and made fun of - mostly by Hugh Manatee
- Chilly gets interviewed.
- Name that toon
- Mutt has hands!
- Chilly sings the closing song
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Channel suggested: “Pawpets and video games”
Videos shown
- Bear + Mutt show bumper
- Puschel das Eichhorn - intro
- How to wash your laundry…
- Skid marks ain't sexy
- ???
- “Dirty” - Baby Christina
- Baby Idol
- Subway 911 call
- Animal House “report/commercial”
- French Dog-people commerciel
- French Dog-people commerciel
- French Dog-people commerciel
- Apache/Leekspin line up - sped up
- Fred_Bedderhead: Pets
- Clock puppet video -
- Omadaun
- “Paging Dr. Carver” - creepy animation, gong'd
- Music video: Fixme name?, gong'd
- WTF video with a Lamborghini
- Snapai's new logo WIP
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “I saw you blinked!”
episodes/episode_493.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by