Table of Contents
Episode: 495
Airdate: Feb 20, 2011 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The British meet Blitz
- Huskers (Subservient)
- Squire
- TR Wolf
Show Highlights
- First appearance of TR Wolf
- The cast is worried to lose viewers with Poink gone for the week
- Wierd town names…
- Geography lessons
- Blitz receives an official “Paw Inspector” badge.
- Jager Stein calls in and tells about getting shot
- Name that Toon
- Pawpets on Tinychat and Chatroulette
- TR Wolf gets interviewed
- Squire gets interviewed
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Fair garbage bin with sawdust wad
Videos shown
- Folkmanis puppet ad
Peter Gabriel song? title
- Sledgehammer
- News reporter losing track of all those words…
- Shatner autotuned
- Rat/cat/dog
- Catface
- Meerkat comparing commercials
- Chocula commercial
- Deer suiters on the highway - Sunkist commercial
- Spiderman - the birthday bandit
- Animated Rolo commercial
- ???
name? Pig splat commercial
- Munchos commercial with cookie monster
- Omadaun (incl. singing, sped up)
- ???
who/what singing?
- ??
puppet song??
- Trailer for “Shining”
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Todd “What is spotted dick?”
episodes/episode_495.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by