Table of Contents
Episode: 498
Airdate: Mar 13, 2011 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]QR Code ▒▓
- Lightning Darkwolf (Subservient)
- Thunder (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- QR-code… “Ezra smells like dog chow”
- The musical quality of AC/DC is discussed…
- Mutt plays along to the music and breaks a guitar
- Disclaimer makes her
? debut
- Yappy Fox plays a game of “Revenge of the seagull” - http://assets.panda.org/custom/games/seagullstrikes/
- Guess that video game music
- Ezra's dream car
- Misheard song lyrics
- Movie talk: Cars II
- Mutt thought that Helium comes from potatoes
- The Japanese earthquake is discussed
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- None was announced
Videos shown
- Folkmanis commercial
- Epic Meal Time
- How Hard Can it Be - making a house fly
- ??? Fursuits
- “Fantastic Mr. StarFox” animation
- Furcon video
- Hop - trailer
- Nicholas Cage wants his chocolate cake
- Angry Bird cake
- Lightswitch animation
- Japanese “tiger” catching (GONG'd)
- Furs for Life - donation fund, WolfPupTK
- Angry Birds RIO - trailer
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- After the show credits, the living room is shown again
episodes/episode_498.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by