This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
Angry Pawpets
- Dingoroo
- Mangusu
- Kai Wulf
- MikePaws
- Monsteroo (Subservient, dancing)
- Rooski (Subservient)
- MikePaws (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- The cast discusses old cities and small streets
- Brunhilda has misheard church song lyrics
- Ezra had a bath!
- Poink tells about his cat, Snowy
- Yappy Fox finally figured out how FA works
- The cast wonders what is or isn't a good April Fools joke
- “Name that geek”
- Inflatable fox!
- Bacon Jerky
- Mangusu gets interviewed
- KaiWulf gets interviewed
- Somehow the subject of “gay candy bar” came up during the interview
- Name that toon
Videos shown
- TRON Angry Birds
- Yappy Slyfox at AC 1998
- Squirking Off All Summer - ape'd by the cast
- Fur coat circus trick
- “Painting the roses red” song to fursuit slideshow
- clip from Jungledyret Hugo
- Audio Fail???
- Daffy Duck Delorean commercial
- Fursuit skiing (sped up)
- Omadaun
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Guess what! Next week, we are going to…”
episodes/episode_499.1479423968.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/17 15:06 by Donovan Wesner