Table of Contents
Episode: 500
Airdate: Apr 03, 2011 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Half a Thousand Shows!
The show is actually five hours long.
Show Highlights
- There is a new show logo! Art by Brian Reynolds.
- Uncle Kage moderates a show intro
- The show starts with the original, ancient intro
- The stage's special “500” sign falls down mere minutes into the show due to a lack of duct-tape
- Herbie is late because of a flat tire
- Eagle Beagle gets interviewed
- The show calls Timber
- The show calls Jess
- Liesl gets interviewed
- Brace gets interviewed
- Rasvar gets interviewed
- The show calls Devin to get Nerd Ferret on the phone
- Mutt talks about flat tires and deli ladies
- Mach gets interviewed
- The show calls Brian Reynolds
- The show calls Nonsanity in Denmark at 3 in the morning
- A super quick interview with Zeke
- Simba gets interviewed
- The show calls 2 Gryphon to say hi
- Behind the stage segment: Herbie, Blitz, Kuddlepup, JackRabbit and Yappy Fox as the current cast get interviewed.
- Rasvar moons the cast during the last parts of the interview. And the question whether he has a butt crack is finally answered!
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- As Yappy put it: “NO!” - but the “500” theme did turn in a good number of drawings
Videos shown
- Uncle Kage intro
- JR in a bikini
- Video montage, sent in by Howler
- Video montage, sent in by BlackfootFerret
- FPS 500 trivia show (Multiple videos throughout the show), by Atkelar
- Tron 500, sent in by the Late Night Commentary Show
- Congratulations video by Daichi_Ookami
- Orlando Kia, sent in by FancySkunk
- Easter show clip
- “Brand New Key” Parody sung by a voop
- Congratulations video, by BabyCheetah
- Rasvar's favorite clips #1, Paradise by the Dashboard Poink
- Rasvar's favorite clips #2, Chocolate Bunny Deaths (Diet Coke and Mentos)
- Performance of Bob Rivers' “A Big Ton O' Moola”
Congratulations video, by ??? (3:13:00)
- Mel Larkey congratulates the cast
- Bugsy the Emu congratulates the cast
- “Man boobs” and “Multiboobage”
- Takala takes the Pink Flamingo Challenge
- Congratulations video, by Landrav
- A segment from Todd's Furry News, sent in by Shuff Wolfcoon
- A naked photo of JR, accidentally left on his flash drive
- The Woulfe Pack sings “Thank you for the Pawpets”
- Peeing in the shower, and the sink, and so much worse…
- Triple Truffle Shuffle
- The Hand of God makes a guest appearance
- The various intros used through the years (played throughout the show).
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Blitz “Quick! Everybody moon!”
- Kuddlepup “I'm not mooning them!” 1)
Both lines clipped out of the download
episodes/episode_500.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by