Table of Contents
Episode: 503
Airdate: May 01, 2011 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Bacon Bacon Everywhere
Show Highlights
- Show bumper
- Mutt's misheard song lyric: “He is a woman!”
- Yappy Fox plays several songs that “inspired” Daft Punk
- Ghost poop and similar toilet terms…
- Blitz on a Harley brings up the question: what song would he ride to?
- The channel tries to find out who the ghost of “yes/no” questions is…
- Movie Talk: Scream 4, Hoodwinked 2
- Spits or Swallows: Bacon Tea, Bacon Pasta
- Poink brings up some wrong 70s gameshow quotes…
- Chatroulette
- Mutt wonders why SciFi computers don't work as wonky as ours do.
- Windows/Mac, Movie/Book discussion
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption and Art-Jam: Blitz on a Harley
Videos shown
- Tiny Tim song
title @ ~25:00
- Tiny Tim: Living in the Sunlight
- Tiny Tim: think I'm sexy
- Tiny Tim: Santa Claus has got the Aids
- Yappy's earworm of the week @ ~48:00
song title @ ~49:30
- Mohombi: Bumpy Ride
- Mrs. Miller sings “It's Magic”
- Lawnmower + Wheelchair
- Minecraft Bunny Death: making of -
who? @ 3:04:00
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Dragonfire - Oh Pawpets
- Omadaun
- ???
- Bucktown Tiger: Want you gone (Portal 2)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Bacon ice cream…”
episodes/episode_503.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by