Table of Contents
Episode: 505
Airdate: May 15, 2011 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]My Little Pawpet Show
- Dingoroo
Show Highlights
- The discussion topic derails into female personal hygene within the first few minutes.
- Mutt mentions that Howler needs to collect some money to keep “The Rabbit Hole” up and running
- Hugh Manatee is all steampunked
- Movie talk: Pirates 4 and Thor
- The discussion makes a full circle about an hour into the show, returning to bidets
- Kuddlepup shows off his $14 shirt
- Yappy Fox watched some MLP episodes
- Roofus calls in and hangs up as Mutt makes a joke
- Mutt tries to text IRC lines with the auto-correct on
- Tinychat
- Stagehand sprays Lysol after Yappy Fox poots
- Mutt reads off his calendar and shows it to us on cam
- The upcoming ELE is discussed…
- …and brings up memories of the pool
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Derpy Ice Cream
- Seampunk Hugh, later changed to “My Little Blitz” (or other show characters as MLP)
Videos shown
- Tubeweasels
- Florida Department of Health: “Funday warning”
- Nyan BSOD
- Rocky Raccoon animation
- ??? @ ~20 Rockwell, gearbox
- ??? @ ~24 Rockwell, whatever…
- Chuckles and friends on the (then new) Segway in snow
- Some “Fred Bedderhead” videos
- Old spice commercial
- Smell like a Monster
Nut shot of the week
- Bike
- Firecracker
- Railjump
- Jump
- Rope fail
- Bottle rocket
- Pinata
- Roof surfing
- Skateboard “double take”
- Trampoline fail
- jump fail
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Open wide!”
- Duh “NOM!” (Eating Mutt who jumped off the stage)
episodes/episode_505.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by