Table of Contents
Episode: 533
Airdate: Jan 15, 2012 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The mixer that almost got away!
- Wildmark
verify spelling? (Subservient)
- Snapai
Show Highlights
- The show starts with a video mixer crash and new lighting - related?
- Yappy Fox tries to fix the video mixer
- Ezra demonstrates against Rob Zombie and “Vote for Kage”, then “Love not Okra”
- Cruise ship disasters in general and the most recent one specifically are discussed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costa_Concordia_disaster
- Fred Bedderhead moment
- Herbie advocates “playing with yourself” over “playing with a flower”
- A performance of the Pina Colada song shows that Hugh Manatee's flippers reach at lest as far as to play a guitar!
speak gets Blitz ROFLMAOing
- What gameshow did the cast members want to be on
- Yappy Fox uses the show as desktop background
- KuddlePup paints the cast names in dog-speak
- We catch a few glimpses at Blitz's yearbooks
- Mutt plays “Are you smarter than Kuddlepup” with the guests.
- Garrison Skunk sent in some late Christmas presents… and Mutt tries to open his with a pole
- Snapai and WildMark get interviewed
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption (
Videos shown
- Cruise ship Pacific Sun hit by tropical storm CCTV
- Porkins' additional scenes for BD spoof
- Music Video: Suger Honey - Archies (bluescreened)
- High Rollers intro
- My heart is a thumb
- Sittin' on tha toilet
- Sittin' on tha toilet - cartoon parody
- Doodlebops - Theme
- Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JkIs37a2JE&ob=av3e
- Virtual insanity bathroom version - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRS9aDJR8no
- Cat and bird
- Compare the meerkat
- Dirty Whisky - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6aIdPbKQjw
- Bucktown Tiger: Dr. Who theme
- Heineken commercial with the big bad wolf - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXtUnhhvZlw
- High Roller - monkey (Gong'd)
- Lion and children
- Take on me - sung by bird
- Skunk costume commercial
- Music Video: Neverending Story (excerpt)
Pawpets got talent
- Japanese translations
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Vote for me!” (showing “Vote for ME!” sign)
- Brunhilda “Diabeetus!”
- Hugh “I'm so…?
episodes/episode_533.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by