Table of Contents
Episode: 554
Airdate: Jul 08, 2012 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Mutt's Brony Experience
Show Highlights
- Yappy Fox plays with the stereo settings…
- We learn that Mutt has his tongue sticking out while drawing
- Mutt announces his pony name: “Midnight Tinkle”
- Mutt went to the “My Little Pony” fair - and we see pictures.
- Yappy Fox tries to navigate FA
- “The internet is for porn!” revival!
- Movie-Talk: Superhero movies in general, Spiderman in particular
- Pizza bread and crust variations are discussed
Art Jam Topic
- “Midnight Tinkle”
Videos shown
- Mutt at the My Little Pony con
japanese commercial with boobs @ 1:37:00
- Bronycon video
- Raccoon repellant
- Fireworks misfire
- Drive through… “coning”
- Chuck E. Cheese commercial
- La Sexilinea
- “Star Spangled July” - Omadaun
- Sardyuon
sp? chair acrobatics at AC 2012
- “THe Act” trailer
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Bye Blitz!”
- Clippy “So you need help?”
episodes/episode_554.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by