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Table of Contents
Megaplex PCD relieve
- Kipper
- Yippie
- DingoRoo
- Poncho (Subservient)
- Snitch (Subservient)
- Twilight (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Cloverfield-cam
- Mutt has a new innuendo… “sharpening the pencil” - which is already on urbandictionary
- Mutt tries to speak Spanish… and fails.
- Blitz received a package - The onion king!
- Kuddlepup plays “guess that candy bar” with the crew and guests
- Yappy Fox plugs “Tails and Tactics” on Kickstarter, with Renard
name? calling in
- Movie talk: Total Recall remake - going off on tangents about remakes and reboots
- Drama Clean!
- Kipper, Yippie and DingoRoo get interviewed
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Mutt calls out “Art jam!” at the mention of “sharpening the pencil”…
Pawpet's got talent
- Animation exhibits - Roofus
Videos shown
- Cat and ceiling fan
- Dog and pool
- Car and wood transport
- Cut off car
- Bank
- ???
- Dog barking
- Turntable dog
- Car crash
- Swing jump
- Pedestrian hit
- Pedestrina car hit
- Spraycan prank
- Dog's dream come true
- Reading Rainbow Cat
- Please throw me a chair - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZznUMKafiE4
- MLP - Apllejacks double life
title? @ 1:10
- Sneaker & Butt (commercial?)
- “Cops and Robbers”
- Megaplex dance contest opening
- Man meets escaped bear - news footage
Nutshot of the week
- Firework rocket
- Mascot kick
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Hasta Inferno!”
- 18 wheels on a big rig by Trout Fishing America is played after the regular stream ends
episodes/episode_557.1383322286.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/11/01 09:11 by Atkelar