Table of Contents
Episode: 567
Airdate: Nov 04, 2012 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
Note: There were problems with the DVD recorder setup in the pawpet studio and therefore this episode doesn't have a high-quality download.
Show Highlights
- Ezra is angry! Somebody has tied a dog to a lamp post on his way to the show.
- Mutt announces that the telethon will have to raise 55000 USD this year! Donations via paypal to fps@pawpet.org
- Kuddlepup announces a theme song and a custom animation for Megaplex 2013, done by Fox Amour
sp? and Tirrel
- Weird dream/reality connections are discussed
- Infinite Gangnam Style website
- Mutt hangs himself (repeatedly and also upside down) to the music selection
- Fun memories about making each other laugh are brought up by the cast members
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- None announced
Videos shown
- Longest alpine coaster (“Sommerrodelbahn”)
- twisted coaster
- Top 10 worst pranks played on girlfriends
- How to unblock a toilet
- Road rage with water
- Girl with taur costume
- Light saber fail
- Basil Brush - playing with balls
- Furry Gangnam style
- Cookie Monster singing to “call me maybe”
- Strongbad: Mini-Golf
- Music Video:
title @ 2:54
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra - “You need to replace that toilet!”
episodes/episode_567.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by