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Episode: 570
Airdate: Dec 02, 2012 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The show that almost wasn't
There was some mix up in the schedule. The calendar displayed a “no show” message that some viewers saw as late as the day before the show. Yappy Fox said, he deleted the message three weeks before. This resulted in a changed furcast calendar and an almost Oh Pawpets takeover.
- Woody (Subservient)
- Aurius
Show Highlights
- Yappy Fox got a “Doggie Doo” game… hilarity ensues!
- Simba had an accident and the cast and crew is asking for some donations to support his medical bills
- Madlib: My House
- Woody (sp) tells the story of how he saved Florida… and puppies!
- The cast discusses Christmas traditions
- more doggie poo
- JackRabbit blows the dog
- JackRabbit extracts poo from the dog by hand
- Mutt presents “Outlaw Run” - a wooden coaster in the making
- Kuddlepup is crashing hard, so he is handed a cup of coffee and later a Monster energy drink
- Mutt had his birthday… and needs instructions on how to cut the cake!
- “Guess what the critics said!”
- Scary Mary - Mary Poppins - trailer as a horror film
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- None was mentioned, but the “doggie doo” was clear
Videos shown
- Doggie Doo commercial
- Funny Video: Doggie Doo
- The Infamous Exploding Whale
- The world's slimmest TV
- iHole commercial
- ?? Fox Fursuit + laundry?
- Worldcup 2014 mascot
- Neil's puppet dreams
- ha! (red pandas)
- Strongbad: Themepark
- Outlaw Run preview
- Dance with the Teletubbies
- Elmo's World - Birthdays
- Bear City - Trailer
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Everybody “Doggie Doo!”
episodes/episode_570.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by