Table of Contents
Episode: 577
Airdate: Feb 03, 2013 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Mutt Being a Ham
- Tony Ringtail
who else?
Show Highlights
- The show starts with
hippo's name? “singing” the national anthem
- Good and bad bond movie theme songs are discussed and Ezra strips to the Goldfinger theme
- Bandit gets confused by everybody calling his name at once!
- Mutt plays “Are you smarter than KP?” with Tony Ringtail
- Tony Ringtail gets covered with plushes… and other stuff during the pawtweets
- Tony Ringtail gets interviewed
- Mutt learns how to spell: “Sponge”
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- None was announced
Videos shown
- Jason Marsden show bumper
title/creator: Toy Fail @ 1:14
- Follow the fun - Chuck-E-Cheese video
- Scooby Doo - Fred tells us about hsi scarf
- Attack of the Show: Fursuiting
- Manatee picking superbowl winner
- Platypus with platypus puppet
- Groundhog day: Phil sees no shadow
- The Rabbit Hole bumper
- SHAD3 (WIP) - Slay Talon
- Space Walrus -
- Vancoufur - 2013
- Strongbad e-mail: Rampage
- Cat getting scared by song
title @ 2:51
- Trampoline fail
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Hugh Manatee “That's my flipper!” (some other mutterings)
episodes/episode_577.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by