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Table of Contents
New Years Special 8 hour marathon extravaganza!
- Yippee Coyote
- Yip Coyote
- Wiener Dog
Iguana @ 1:00:00
- Polka-Dog
name? @ 2:50:00
- Bite (aligator @ 3:07:00)
Cast at Pawpets West
Staff at Pawpets West
Show Highlights
- Happy New Year UK!
- The cast wears party-hats - with quite some trouble
- Pictures of Yippee Coyote and Raini with Richter are shown
- The Wiener-Dog get's named Dog Wiener by the channel
- “Tino” from “The weekenders” calls in and talks about new years.
- Tuninator
name? sent in - amongst other stuff - a rubber chicken
- Happy New Year, Atlantic Ocean!
name? RC. ?? sends in “The Corocodile Hunter game”, a crocodile hunter action figure
- Raini prepares checker-shots
- Nexus calls in
- Happy New Year, Iceland!
- Mach loses the checkers game… and everybody asks to keep the bathroom clear!
- Live video from Pawpets West!
- Trixi calls in and asks Mutt about the child support
- Polka-Dog
name? @ 2:50:00 does a dance performance
- Happy New Year, Greenland!
- Carrot and his brethren perform “Wonder Woman”
- Happy New Year, Newfoundland!
- Whitepelt calls in
- Quick Intermission after the regular four hours (to change video tapes)…
- …and Pawpets West takes over for the most part from here.
- Live video feed from Pawpets West - featuring Nair and an MST3k segment - Tom Sawyer
- Live video feed from New York is superimposed
- Yappy New Year!
- Live video feed from Pawpets West - including their own Seal of Disapproval
- Mutt realizes that it is 01/01/01
- Todd gets to pretend to count down for Texas
- The Pawpet West crew performs the “hidden camera in a D&D game” bit
Videos shown
title? @ 1:06:00
title? @ 1:12:00
- Pawpet Music Video: In Thee - Iowa pawpets
- KISS performance
- Pawpet dog comedy: Ralph and Herbie - Pawpets West (re-run from Episode 27)
- Pawpet Music Video: Feelin' Groovy - Pawpets West (re-run from Episode 27)
- Pawpet Music Video: Tokyo Love Song - Pawpets West (re-run from Episode 46)
- Pawpet Music Video: Midnight train to Georgia - Pawpets West (re-run from Episode 47)
- Pawpet Music Video:
title @ 5:03:00 - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video:
title @ 5:22:00 - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: Hamster Love - Pawpets West (re-run from Episode 16)
- Pawpet Music Video: Dead Skunk - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: My Generation - Pawpets West (re-run from Episode 37)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Pawpets West, singing…
episodes/episode_57.1476200399.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/11 08:39 by Donovan Wesner