Table of Contents
Episode: 580
Airdate: Mar 10, 2013 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Cast
- Ticer (Subservient)
- Chip
Show Highlights
- The cast discusses the upcoming Rainbow Brite revival…
- Mutt has problems with all sorts of accounts - including his paypal account.
- The oscar's are discussed - particular the ceremony
- The cast discusses favorite and least favorite Disney Movies
- Airplane! Discuss!
- Tech troubles… Bandit ate a cable.
- JackRabbit shows off a body pillow done by (
or just of?) his GF BabsBunny
- Ticer is the first subservient to actually do the “russian dance”
- Bandit chews the arms off one of the headless barbies
- Chip gets interviewed about his day at Epcot Center
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- None was announced
Videos shown
- Pinhead actor
name? show bumper
- Harlem Shake - by Timberwolf
- Screaming Goat remix of “I will always love you”
- Screaming Goat remix of “
song title @ ~2:18”
- Portal: Terminal Velocity
- Singing with fursuit
title @ ~ 2:22
- Strongbad: The Chair (cut short?)
- Cute Animals compilation
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Hugh Manatee “Farhvergnügen!”
- Mutt <something sounding russian>
episodes/episode_580.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by