Table of Contents
Episode: 582
Airdate: Mar 31, 2013 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Easter 2013
- Brian Reynolds
- Samantha Reynolds
- DingoRoo
Show Highlights
- Mutt tells us that he just has seen a drug deal happening in a parking lot
- Mutt describes how he (and others) were interviewed for jury duty. “Is it lewd to pee on somebody?”
- Lots of children music as Brian Reynolds and Samantha arrive…
- DingoRoo shows off “Super Hexagon”
- Ads that shouldn't be together…
- Samantha gets interviewed
- Skippy scares Samantha into hiding… that's an effect that he is not quite used to.
- Yappy Fox lands on ebaumsworld and clicks thorugh some Easter and some WTF pictures
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Batman slapping Robin - as announced in Episode 581 - some captions were entered as art-jams.
Videos shown
- Yappy and Zeke - bike riding Wyoon
- Awesome stunts
- Worse wake up calls
- Outlaw Run - video
- Coasters and screaming goats
title “100” video? @ 1:41:00
- Cocolate Bunny Death: …by snow blower - Atkelar
- Cardboard egg death: …by big cats - ?
- Cocolate Bunny Death: …by brick (slow motion) - NotFish
- Cocolate Bunny Death: …by cheese grader - =
- Cocolate Bunny Death: …in Minecraft -
- Cocolate Bunny Death: …explosion - ?
- Cocolate Bunny Death: …by texting and driving - OH Pawpets
- Cocolate Bunny Death: …by plasma cutter - KalaallitAmaroq
- Cocolate Bunny Death: …by meat grinder -
- Cocolate Bunny Death: …by sword/baseball bat - TheSonicGod/Chilly/?
- Peep Death: …by eating - ?
- Cocolate Bunny Death: …by hammer - ?
- Music Video:
title? @ 2:06:00
- Music Video:
title? @ 2:11:00
- Megaplex teaser video
- Music Video:
title @ 3:10:00
- Music Video: Maxwell's silver hammer
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Splitz!”
episodes/episode_582.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by