Table of Contents
Episode: 588
Airdate: May 19, 2013 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
Show Highlights
- Mutt tries a can of Monster energy drink
- Movie Talk: Star Wars movies to come
- Abusing the system? Including the (hypothetical!) situation of Yappy Fox passed out naked on the floor from bad weed.
- Annoying company in restaurants
- Movie talk - Foodfight…
- …followed by “Food mascot fights”: Who would win?
Videos shown
- Nyan-cat game
- Il Pulcino Pio - Fursuit performance
- Mutt's fail video with Pulcino Pio
- Star Wars dance routine
- Giligan's Island theme with Star Wars pictures
- Roller coaster video -
- Epic Rap battles of History: Skrillex vs. Mozart
title (Final fantasy) + Pirates tunes
TITLE? Got Talent videos
- FCN 2013
puppet in “walking dead”
- Otter on a leash
Titlte? Dan vs. ???
- Puppets: how did we meet
- “I have a bad case of diarrhea” - fursuit edition
- Animeme
- Fox animation
- The history of television
- “Savety Prance” - Furnal Equinox
- Larva: Dog
- Knowing me
- Foodfight! - trailer
song title @ 3:20
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- stream was cut off
episodes/episode_588.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by