Table of Contents
Episode: 593
Airdate: Jun 30, 2013 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Yappy Birthday: Humbug!
- Izzy (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Megaplex plug
- The drummer of Devo died…
- Uncle Kage calls in… and talks about liver and AC.
- Izzy gets interviewed.
- Blitz claims to be able to sing… and the others are calling him on it. But he won't sing Il Pulcino Pio!
- Poink sings “Goodbye Paula Deen…”
- Mutt hangs himself over a song
title @ 1:30
- Izzy plays “Are you geekier than Mutt?”
- The top 10 grossing movies adjusted for inflation,
- …the top 10 worst movies
- Hair removal… in special places… is discussed.
- Subservient Pizza Guy!
- Izzy plays “Are you smarter than KP?”
- …and maybe even the credit for “Episode 591”.
Videos shown
- Tirrel's Megaplex animation
- Music Video: Devo -
- Music Video:
- Music Video:
title ? with 70's dance show
- Music Video:
title? (original, incl. “will it Apache?”)
- VW commercial with “Da da da”
- Music Video: Tarzan Boy
- Music Video: Putting on the Ritz!
- Nude video… Пороблено в Украине - пародия на Nikita
- “Beep Beep” cereal commercial
- Exploding Actresses 03 - Disney Princesses (much beheading…)
- MLP: Pink fluffy unicorns
- The Bedfellows - DISLIKE!
- MLP action figures and Bronie
- ??? @ 3:12
- Pronghorn Antilope fursuit
- Starbarions - Episode 1
- Steven the Lesbian (Gong'd)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “'Auf wiedersehen' is German”
- Ezra “It is?”
- Blitz “Spatz!” (
- Ezra “Yeah”
episodes/episode_593.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by