Table of Contents
Episode: 595
Airdate: Jul 21, 2013 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The cast and crew is Outnumbered!
- Tirrel
- FoxAmoore
- FoxAlbiAzul
- Strawberry (Subservient)
- Skittles (Subservient)
- Teeth-Woof (puppet)
- Sniffer (house husky)
Show Highlights
- Ezra had to teach a house guest the twist
- Yappy Fox's van cought fire… and coke red put it out.
- Many a crack-a-ling records are plaid.
- Poink got carded by the credit card company.
- FoxAmoore plays various songs on the keyboard and his
instrument name?
- Fart Alert
- Skittles and Strawberry get interviewed
Videos shown
- Tirrel's Megaplex animation (play-along version)
- California Raisins… brief excerpt
- Beetlejuice: Minecraft roller coaster
- Otter “juggling”
- Anime Rap Battles: Nyan Cat vs. Grumpy Cat
- Chainging oil on a bike (cut short)
- Zoo video
- Minecraft video about Minecraft…. (gong'd)
- Animation: Sixes Wild: Lead Me On by Keiron White/Tempe O'Kun
- ISS - Major Tom
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Point “Grab my nuts!”
episodes/episode_595.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by