Table of Contents
Episode: 600
Airdate: Sep 08, 2013 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]600!
Show Highlights
- Chocolate Factory and golden tickets are discussed
- Vintage computer talk
- Since KuddlePup has passed his insurance exam, the cast plays another game of “can this person be insured?”
- Movie-Talk: Pirates 5
- Mutt hangs himself over the “Raccoon Song” and cuts himself over the “B-side” of it… and facedesks at the Unicorn song
- What was the first music video you ever saw?
- My Little Pony
- Herbie executes an inflatable pool toy to the “what does the fox say?” music clip
Videos shown
- Bill Gates promoting Windows 95 with(in) Doom
- Guy getting arrested in Australia
- Fursuiter vs. Pole
- Fox Amoor: Come find me
- What does the fox say?
- Dubstep ballade…
title @ 0:50
- Music Video(s): Michael Jackson (or Jackson Five?) music videos
titles @ approx. 1:20
- Music Video: Bruno Mars
song title
- Music Video: Robot Rock
- “Friday night videos” intro
- Music Video excerpt: One night in Bangkok
- Music Video excerpt:
song title @ 1:37
- Music Video excerpt: Relax
- Music Video: Play the game tonight
- Music Video: Queen of Hearts
- Music Video excerpt:
title @ 1:58
- Music Video excerpt: Every breath you take
- Music Video excerpt:
song by Nick Gilder
- Music Video: Cheesburger song
- Anthrocon 2013 - Rooftop dance
- Internet Movie Review plug
- Do you need a Fishing License & Boad Registration?
title? weird cat animation @ 2:16 Gong'd
- Congrats FPS on 600 shows from Wolfct Studios
- Pawpet Music Video: New York Pawpet -
title? @ 2:20
- Kalaallit Amaroq: Super Mario on flute
- FPS “best of” compilation
- Bob Barker and furries…
- Watervole video
- Duct Tape song
- Pawpet Music Video: Who can it be now? http://2plush2.com
- Pawpet Music Video:
title? http://2plush2.com
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- everybody “cha-cha-ga-ga”
episodes/episode_600.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by