Table of Contents
Episode: 615
Airdate: Jan 12, 2014 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The show of a million and one laugh
Show Highlights
- Mutt bought a wand at the wizarding world of Harry Potter… swish and flick!
- …and the cast discovers that he must be a pedophile!
- Note: the german, dull movie that Yappy Fox talks about seems to be The Wall (Die Wand)…
- Yappy Fox shows some pictures of mutoscopes
- The cast discusses crypto-currency…
- …and the problems that head shops have in dealing with banks.
- The “Leaky Con” gets plugged… errr… mentioned.
- The Fox Amore song “Remember Me” is premiered.
- The cast discusses the pros and cons of cloning and rule 34 of it.
- BraceBear plays “Are you smarter than KP?”
- The show was filled with an incredible number of little jokes but nothing “big” enough to mention individually
Videos shown
- Gary Busey on Family Guy
- Glove and Boots reply to comments
- Bedfellas
episode title
- Amazing toilets
- Mutoscope
- Cartoon Network version of “What does the fox say”
- Drone demonstration
- Several tiny “at the mall” videos by Mutt
- “running sushi”
- Monster Mash
- Mr. Bean (animated) and foxes
- RMFC interview: Growly
- Roadrunner montage
- State of the fandom - Anthroguy101
- The saga of Rex
- Too Close - BucktownTiger
- FLIRone commercial
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Poink “Woof!”
from the Bedfellas
episodes/episode_615.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by