Table of Contents
Episode: 617
Airdate: Feb 09, 2014 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]No chit chat!
Show Highlights
- The Tirrel intro video has slightly changed… “Special Edition”
- The IRC server cloggs up during the show…
- The situation surrounding the “Flappy Birds” game is discussed
- Fart alert! Yappy Fox clears the stage
- Mutt asks Siri… and is bored
- Several Beatles songs are played due to the 50th anniversary of the Ed Sullivan show
Videos shown
- 24 hour music video (EXCERPT)
- …?
- Alpha and Omega II review
- Audi A3 commercial
- Doritos commercial (Ostrich)
- “Fox animation”
- Glove and Boots: Bloopers
- Muppets - Toyota commercial
- Pulcio Pio song (no, not the piep one)
- “Safety Prance”
- Sly Cooper movie trailer
- Cat in pet-washing-machine
- Epic Storyboard
- How to hide your farts in public
- RadioShack 80s - ad
- Life savings lost for Banana-Plush
- “Ducktales”
- Frozen with cats…
- Border between the US and Canada
- Walking Dead promo
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- screen goes purple
episodes/episode_617.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by