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Episode: 620
Airdate: Mar 02, 2014 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The Fourth Annual(ish) Arthur Awards
sp? DingoRoo (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- The cast collects the new categories for the Arthur awards by asking the channel
- “Best running gag”:
- “Hardest to pronounce name”: XylII
- “Best “Ding” moment: Blitz - “Wait a minute! That's a girl?!”
- “Best subservient moment”: Fox-Albi-Azul
- “Best call-in interview”: Bedfellows
- “Best Art-Jam”: Brian Reynolds
- “Best OrlandoFox”: OrladoFox
- “Best technical difficulties moment”:
- Yappy Fox browses OrlandoFox's FA gallery
- Best new Puppet: Honey Bunches of Mutt
- “Best swear” - skipped due to lack of swear jar fun
- “Best spits or swallows”: tonight
- “Best Kuddlepup Moment”: Ezra singing “Happy”
- “Best Yappy Moment”: Dookie's red nose
- “Best Blitz Moment”: Pio!
- “Best Herbie Moment”: Anthrocon Call-in
- “Best JackRabbit Moment”: Manateetz
- “Best Pawpet Moment”: Doggy Doo
- “Best Song”: Grim grinning ghosts - honorable mention: Bucktown Tiger
- “Best submitted Video”: Tirrel (Megaplex animation) - Atkelar (Dog's Life II)
- Name that toon: Oscar edition
- Kuddlepup reads the “death pool” list for 2014
- “Best smarter than KP moment”:
Videos shown
- Flashback: Doggy Doo
- Newscasters rapping
- Do you want to a snowman?
- Falcon's Fury - thrill ride promo
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- cut off?
episodes/episode_620.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by