Table of Contents
Episode: 623
Airdate: Apr 06, 2014 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]EMERGENCY PANTS!
Show Highlights
- Poink tells the story about his arrest three years earlier
- …which brings up the subject of “doggy diapers”
- More pictures of “Olaf at Disneyland!”
- Emergency underwear… and JackRabbit models them!
- The live stream dies about 1:27 into the show.
- Yappy Fox shows off “weird things found in people's a**es”
- The live stream dies about 2:01 into the show.
- JackRabbit farts and even Blitz is smelling it
- Where did that Professor come from?
- Poink discusses why he likes/dislikes comedians
- How do child stars look now?
Videos shown
- Homestar Runner - April fools homepage
- Glove and Boots: Product testing: Rollie
- Rejuvenique - “infomercialism”
- Electrical party came…?
- The looseleafe beauty report: Facial flex! Including different soundtracks
- “The Wiz” dance scene
- Animatics for “Wicket”
- “Let it snow” parody song
- That guy with the glasses: “Let it snow” parody
- Rocky Fox puppet commercial
- Robot-Roo
- Put 'em down
- Preview “Reed”
- “Rainbow connection” with various muppet voices
- Internet “Sky Broadband Shield” commercial
- Superman edit
stream outage?
- BLFC music too loud
- Chistoher Walken - music video
title @ 2:55
- 1000$ lottery “winning ticket”
- Closing credits from Madagascar
- Blaupunkt - plush animal commercial
- Funday Pawpet intro
- Several music videos
- The “Segway in the snow” video
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Stream cut off with the last “goodnight” again.
episodes/episode_623.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by