Table of Contents
Episode: 631
Airdate: Jun 01, 2014 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
- Blaze Fusky
sp? (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Bandit ate the console cables during the week
- Movie Talk: Human Centipede
- If you were confined to ONE restuarant for the rest of your life, which would it be?
- The top 10: creepiest mascots
- Blaze gets interviewed… and a smily face on his crotch
- KuddlePup screams as a little lizard jumps on his arm
- During the subservient performance, Seal of Disapproval briefly becomes Seal of Approval
- Spoiled movies - becuase of TMI in the trailer - are discussed
Videos shown
- Bedfellows: Ballroom design
- Glove and Boots: Trailers!
- Commercial??? Cat-lady? Japan…
- Animated soap commercial?
- Chuck E. Cheese - in space?
- Furry convention - PittsburghDad?
- Classic cars with new interior
Puppet show kidnap “Don't hug me I'm scared”
- Mercedes GLA commercial with Mario
- Rerun: interact with Fursuiters
- ???
- Mario and Luigi meet a more realistic Yoshi
- 80's McDonalds commercials
- 16 facts about McDonalds
- Confuzzled Pawpet Show opeining
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “I pissed everybody off at the end of these credits”
episodes/episode_631.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by