This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
- Happy meal box Tirrel
- Tirrel
- Tirrel
Show Highlights
- We get to hear Bandit updates: he chipped a tooth gnawing on some metal shelf.
- Magic - Kuddlepup's dog - got a bad hip and was treated for it
- Poink is trying to sell stuff and runs into a crazy lady trying to bid on his stuff - which is when the stream went out.
- Kuddlepup shows off an animation sample package that will be up for auction.
- The “Crazy Cat Lady” video prompts a cat-band performance, including Skippy
- Tirrel plays “Are you smarter than KP”?
- Tirrel and Simba improvise a story together
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Yappy Birthday!
Videos shown
- Music Video:
tilte? @ 0:45
- Krystal burger commercial
- Autotune: Burger! DAYUM!
- UndeadTeds.com commercial
- Dumb and Dumber 3 - Trailer
- Bedfellows - Lizards!
- Glove and Boots: Clickbait
- Crazy cat lady
- Autotune: Crazy cat lady
- Barbies…
- Robot singing?
title @ 1:40
- ???
title @ 1:42
- I am Big Bird - excerpt
- ???
title @ 1:55
- “Frank” - trailer
- Pig spoiling movies
- Fairy Tales with Shatner - Goldielocks
- Ball Break
- Epic Rap battles of History: Newton vs.
- Fun video compilation
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Why don…”
episodes/episode_635.1404093624.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/06/29 19:00 by Atkelar