Table of Contents
Episode: 64
Airdate: Feb 18, 2001 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Cut! Take 2! We'll edit!
puppy @ 3:18:00
- Johnny Blanco
- Inky
Show Highlights
- The opening disintegrates…
- Mutt realized that there's an “upper show” and a “lower show”
- A moment of silence is held for Dale Earnhardt who passed away during the show.
- Tuninator1)
- Yappy Fox realizes that he doesn't like Vixie
- Arthur gets quoted… literally!
- The Blair Pawpet Project…
- Technical Difficulties while Mutt tries to find the german version of the Tail-Spin song
- Trendane calls in and plays “Pawpet Matchgame”
- Mutt hits a voop… also literally… and his nose disappears
- Shak freaks out over acronyms
- Mutt chose a song with the f-word for a musical performance
- Johnny Blanco gets interviewed
- Mutt polls the channel: what do you think of the new web page and mailing list?
Videos shown
- Pawpet Music Video: Who wants to be a millionair - Pawpets West
- Fuzzle is at island of adventure and plays “name that movie”
- Pawpet Music Video: Revolution - Pawpets West (Then and Thenner)
- Beer commercial - Black Chicken Advocaat with hiccuping fox
- Pawpet Music Video: Octopus' garden - Pawpets West
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Nothing special
or is it a Rick-Roll several years before that phenomenon started?
episodes/episode_64.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by