Table of Contents
Episode: 660
Airdate: Mar 01, 2015 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]It's black and blue - no, yellow and white
- Simba
Show Highlights
- Leonard Nimoy passed away a few days before the show.
- Poink tells about his comcast problem - bathrobe + door to door salesman don't mix.
- Poink introduces Hugh Manatee's new DVD review segment: “Will Hugh watch it?”
- Yappy Fox reads his “cock cookbook”.
- Mutt learns about patreon
- Mutt does some pushups
- The cast discusses the “dress color” issua…
- The cast talks about the Academy Awards
- Mutt farted… in a tin chair
- The cast ponders what to do for episode #666…
- Simba drops in for the last few minutes of the show
Videos shown
- Music Video (excerpt) “Bilbo Baggins”
- Music Video (excerpt) “These boots are made for walking”
- Dragon suit fight
- Elders React: Video Games (FNAF)
- Animated icons?
title? @ 1:18
- Frozen Fever trailer
title @1:21
- MLP meets Jean-Claude Van Damme
- Let it Go: Bucktown Tiger
- Rablats - Abraham
- Fursuit music video:
title? @ 1:33
- Video Artjam - Notfish
- Leonard Nimoy -
show title?
- Excerpt from Star Trek movie: Spok's funeral
- Starfox “trailer” with real animals
- Talking Husky video
- Wicked Cyclone coaster animation
- Thug Life
- Fail video
- Let it go… day three
- Cooking video with kids
- Breasts in church
- Weeners in church
- Laserman show
- NFC “Atlantis Theme” animation video
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Hugh “Let it be…”
- Hugh and Ezra “Löwenbräu!”1)
towards Löwenbräu who just appeared on stage for the closing song
episodes/episode_660.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by