Table of Contents
Episode: 667
Airdate: May 03, 2015 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The bird is the word!
- SK-1
- Meekrat
- Surfin' Bird
first name? Bear
Show Highlights
- Mutt realizes that every restaurant he likes is filthy…
- Disney park experiences.
- SK-1 promotes his Surfing Bird Raffel at http://thepocketducks.wix.com/surfinbirdraffle
- Yappy Fox tries to provide the left paw for
Bear and falls out of frame
- SK-1 might not get the bear puppet back from Yappy Fox…
Videos shown
music video - TITLE? @30
- E.T…. the porn edition (cropped)
- Pawpet Theme - reverse with lyrics by BlackfootFerret
- Fight at Chuck-E-Cheese
- Top 5 Wedding disasters
- Insult Dog at Time Square
- Vintage self defense
- Firefighter “olympics”
- Rave DJ “in Action”
- Bucktown Tiger - Sweet Home Alabama
- “Misery” cosplay
- Spider
- Anime… ?
- Pet fish
- The adventures of Butthurt Anime Fan!
- Drunk guy on tower of terror
- Worlds fattest cats
- Animation
title @ 2:36
- Trap dance - will it Apache, Gangam,…
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Thank you very much! And Scorch!”
episodes/episode_667.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by