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Episode: 669
Airdate: May 24, 2015 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The Widescreen Extravaganza
The RTSP stream is now officially no longer used. From this episode on, only the furstream streams are online. Furthermore the show switched to 16:9 and full SD format for a test run.
- Meekrat
Show Highlights
- Yappy Fox announces a few changes to the tech stuff of the show
- JackRabbit interrupts a “business trip” of Bandit…
- Poink brings up reality TV and what shows didn't make it on the air.
Videos shown
- Emotional reaction to Godzilla in the trash
- Music videos without music: Ghostbusters
- Music videos without music: Blue Suede Shoes
- Muppet Show teaser trailer
- Redneck Avengers
- Elevator poop prank
- Werewolf animation
- Morgan Freeman - the “Helium interview”
song? @ 1:30
- Morgan Freeman robot
- 102 birthday cake fail with dentures
- Thomas Timberwolf: You Go, Squirrel Friend
- Lego - Dimensions commercial
- Rockoons-TV
- Tirrel Megaplex animation
- Fluff and such: I'm with you
- Fluff and such:
title? @ 3:15
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Did Bandit poop…”
episodes/episode_669.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by