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Table of Contents
- Mutt stand-ins: Alpaca, Snail
Show Highlights
- The cast announces the new hotel for Megaplex
- Mutt asks the channel: “What would be an unforgivable sin in 20 years that is OK today?”
- Mutt wants to start editing Wikipedia and everybdoy is scared.
- The guest calls in and cancels due to a broken transmission…
- Yappy Fox shows lots of pictures from CARE - the charity from Megaplex
Videos shown
- Megaplex promo video
- Music video:
title @1:39
- Music video: Rapper's delight
- Let it go: Airhorn remix
- “Joes Apartment”
- Epic Rap battles: Stan Lee vs. Jim Henson
- Futurama meets MLP
- The green care bear
- Housepets parody with fursuit
- Star Wars Battlefront video promo
- Megaplex 2015, Pyrofox?
- Musicless music video: “Hello”
- Musicless music video: “Oops, I did it again”
- Musicless music video: “I want to break free”
- Musicless music video: “Wrecking Ball”
- Musicless music video: “Happy”
- Musicless music video: “Uptown Funk”
- Music video: “I want to break free”
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- — “—”
episodes/episode_678.1439172130.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/09 19:02 by Atkelar