Table of Contents
Episode: 687
Airdate: Nov 01, 2015 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Halloween 2015
- SK-1
Show Highlights
- The cast discusses the worst halloween treats
- Herbie shows off his remote controlled Jigsaw puppet
- What happened on October 31st in history?
- School beatings and punishments are discussed.
Videos shown
- Homestar Runner: Halloween 2015
- Halloween at Herbie's house
FNAF song @ 1:18
- Octoberfeast 2015 dance routine
- Hippo Funk
- Drawing dog on chatroulette
music video @ 1:29
- FNAF animation to “Surfin' bird”
- ANgry Birds Movie: Trailer
- Halloween fail compilation
- 20 creepiest Halloween candies ever
- I told my kids I ate all their halloween candy
- We're throwing away all your halloween candy
- First Count Chocula and Frankenberry commercial
- Skeleton puppet subway guns and roses
- Skeleton puppet dances the twist
- Funny street artist in Montreal
- Penciling of the Pawpets Plaque
- Giant creepy puppet show (
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Hugh “Moo!”
episodes/episode_687.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by